using Typescript callback style error handling


getData(someParameter, function(err: Error | null, resultA: ResultA) {
  if(err !== null) {
    // do something like calling the given callback function and pass the error
    getMoreData(resultA, function(err: Error | null, resultB: ResultB) {
      if(err !== null) {
        // do something like calling the given callback function and pass the error
        getMoreData(resultB, function(resultC: ResultC) {
          getMoreData(resultC, function(err: Error | null, d: ResultD) {
            if(err !== null) {
              // you get the idea?

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Detect when your site is visible to users

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Spread Operator for Objects

Using the spread operator during an Object declaration will assign the properties of the referenced Object to the new Object.

JavaScript: async/await with forEach

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serialize Form

Sử dụng formdata constructor để convert form, FormData, array.from(). Kết hợp window.encodeURIComponent() để encode từng value trong form.