Lodash sort - Test performance with native js


Lodash sort - benchmark

Script Preparation code:

var fruits = [
  {name:"banana", amount: 2},
  {name:"apple", amount: 4},
  {name:"pineapple", amount: 2},
  {name:"mango", amount: 1}

Use lodash sort:

_.orderBy(fruits, ['name'],['asc']);

Use native sort:

sortBy = (key) => {
  return (a, b) => (a[key] > b[key]) ? 1 : ((b[key] > a[key]) ? -1 : 0);


Test case nameResult

lodash orderby    lodash orderby x 858,076 ops/sec ±1.86% (62 runs sampled)

native sort    native sort x 1,483,421 ops/sec ±0.48% (65 runs sampled)

Fastest: native sort

Slowest: lodash orderby

Ref: Trường hợp nào nên sử dụng LODASH

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