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👉 [morioh.com] - Social Network for Programmers and Developers

Social network for developers to discuss topics about bugs and issues, write and share knowledge and connect with millions of developers worldwide.

👉 [morioh.com] - Social Network for Programmers and Developers

Social network for developers to discuss topics about bugs and issues, write and share knowledge and connect with millions of developers worldwide.

👉 [morioh.com] - Social Network for Programmers and Developers

Social network for developers to discuss topics about bugs and issues, write and share knowledge and connect with millions of developers worldwide.

👉 [morioh.com] - Social Network for Programmers and Developers

Morioh is the place to create a Great Personal Brand, connect with Developers around the World and Grow your Career!

👉 [morioh.com] - Social Network for Programmers and Developers

Morioh is the place to create a Great Personal Brand, connect with Developers around the World and Grow your Career!

👉 [morioh.com] - Social Network for Programmers and Developers

Morioh is the place to create a Great Personal Brand, connect with Developers around the World and Grow your Career!

👉 [morioh.com] - Social Network for Programmers and Developers

Morioh is the place to create a Great Personal Brand, connect with Developers around the World and Grow your Career!

👉 [morioh.com] - Social Network for Programmers and Developers

Morioh is the place to create a Great Personal Brand, connect with Developers around the World and Grow your Career!

👉 [morioh.com] - Sử dụng javascript API detect khuôn mặt

Một video hướng dẫn cho những nhà phát triển sử dụng javascript API nhằm detect khuôn mặt thông qua webcam...

👉 [morioh.com] - Es6 Collection Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet

Tìm hiểu về Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet trong ES6.

👉 [morioh.com] - Sorting Method of Arrays in JavaScript

Sorting Method of Arrays in JavaScript Understanding the Sort Method of Arrays. How to use JavaScript’s sort? The JavaScript array sort() is used to sort array elements. By default, the array will sort in ascending order, but we can change it. This method willchange the original array. We can also provide our comparing function to implement custom sorting.

👉 [morioh.com] - Understand Pipe Function and pure Function in JavaScript

Definition of Pipeline in JavaScript So, first things first, let’s talk about what a pipe is in JavaScript. What do you think of when you hear “pipe”? Yes, you’re right. A bunch of pipes on the ceiling for gas or something, or under the ground for water. What those pipes are for is to be a tunnel for resources to go from A to B. It doesn’t do anything to the resources except for being the space for the resources to pass through. The idea of pipe functions in JavaScript came from the pipeline in the real world. Pure Functions This is a really important concept for pipe. What is a pure function? A pure function is a function that does the things below. Returns the same output with the same input. Doesn’t change any values out of its function scope. But then why is a pure function important for pipe? As I explained above, pipe delivers a given value to the next pipe. But if the function could return a different value, then the next function in the pipeline can’t assure the stable result.

👉 [morioh.com] - 15 lỗi thường gặp nhiều nhất khi lập trình javascript

Trong RSS này các bạn sẽ xem xét một số lỗi phổ biến hơn được tạo ra nhằm mục đích giúp bạn có thể tránh được những lối phố biến nhất trong lập trình.

👉 [morioh.com] - Reactnative - 8 Practices In React that will Crash your application

RSS Reactnative - 8 Practices In React that will Crash your application

👉 [morioh.com] - Sử dụng nvm quản lý versions trong nodejs

Việc sử dụng nvm (Node Version Manager) cho phép bạn quản lý và có thể switch bất cứ version nào cho project nào bạn có. Nếu bạn chưa từng sử dụng nvm thì có lẽ có nhiều điều phải tiếc nuối.

👉 [morioh.com] - Tổng hợp JavaScript features in 2020

Kể từ khi ECMAScript2015 (còn được gọi là ES6) được phát hành, JavaScript đã thay đổi và cải thiện rộng rãi. Đây là một tin tuyệt vời cho tất cả các nhà phát triển JavaScript. Bên cạnh đó, một phiên bản ECMAScript mới đã phát hành hàng năm. Bạn có thể đã không chú ý những tính năng nào đã được thêm vào trong ECMAScript mới nhất, được phát hành vào tháng 6 năm 2019. Tôi sẽ cho bạn thấy ngắn gọn các tính năng mới được thêm vào trong phiên bản mới nhất và nói về các tính năng mới cho phiên bản tương lai.

👉 [morioh.com] - RSS - Khi lập trình không cần loop javascript ???

RSS - Sử dụng higher-order thay cho loop javascript, sẽ có nhiều lợi thế hơn ta tưởng, đó là More readable -Easy to understand - Easy to debug. Click to rss...

👉 [morioh.com] - Top 5 JavaScript Code Editors You Should Know in 2020

There are a number of options for developers who are looking for a good JavaScript editor that provides a more efficient and pleasant working environment. Leading JavaScript code editors share many of the same great major features you might expect, including autocompletion (code completion), git integration, and plugin support. But it's the little things that can make one editor a better fit than another for a given developer.

👉 [morioh.com] - How to Build and Implement JWT User Authentication in Angular 9 App

What is JWT (JSON Web Token)? JWT refers to JSON Web token. It’s a token in string form validated and generated by a web server. This string-based token helps in communicating between the client and the server. Let’s understand how does the JWT help in transferring the data securely between the client and the server. User information is sent to the client like username and password using an HTTP POST request to the webserver. Web server identifies the user information and creates a token and send it back to the client. Client store that token into local storage or a session and also set it to the header. On the next HTTP call, that token is verified by the server, and web server returns the response to the client.