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👉 [dev.to] - Building a chat app with Socket.io and React 🚀

What is this article about? We have all encountered chat over the web, that can be... Tagged with react, node, javascript, programming.

👉 [dev.to] - Building a chat app with Socket.io and React 🚀

What is this article about? We have all encountered chat over the web, that can be... Tagged with react, node, javascript, programming.

👉 [dev.to] - Building a chat app with Socket.io and React 🚀

What is this article about? We have all encountered chat over the web, that can be... Tagged with react, node, javascript, programming.

👉 [dev.to] - DEV Community

A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. With you every step of your journey.

👉 [dev.to] - DEV Community

A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. With you every step of your journey.

👉 [dev.to] - Classes in JavaScript

When I say ES6 Classes, you might go YAY 🎊 JS finally introduced a new object-oriented inheritance... Tagged with javascript, codenewbie, beginners, webdev.

👉 [dev.to] - window.location Cheatsheet

Looking for a site's URL information, then the window.location object is for you! Use its propertie... Tagged with codenewbie, beginners, webdev, javascript.

👉 [dev.to] - Node.js v14: What's New?

Let's dive into the updates that Node.js version 14 gives us!. Tagged with node, javascript.

👉 [dev.to] - What Do You Know About JavasScript Closures?

When I was reading some articles to be inspired and get new ideas for the following blog post to write, my eyes captured JavaScript closures. The first instinct was that I heard about it and probably know it. But when I imagine trying for someone to explain it, I realized that I really don't know what it is beside the fact that probably it is closing something in the scope... So I went back to the basics, reading articles, documentation, watching YouTube and playing PS4 in between to stay sane. And this is what I found out about this topic.

👉 [dev.to] - passport nodejs - Cơ bản đến nâng cao

passport is an authentication middleware for node application. passport provides different set of strategies using a username and password, Facebook and Twitter.

👉 [dev.to] - 6 Github Repos for web developers

Học lập trình - Webdev vừa chia sẻ cho developers 6 github thật tuyệt vời trong đó có những developers javascript. Tôi nghĩ bạn cũng nên thử xem qua. Tôi nghĩ nó thật tuyệt.

👉 [dev.to] - Replace your switch statement and multiple if and else, using Object Literals

According to our knowledge in js, trying to understand how to replace switch statements with Object Literals.

👉 [dev.to] - Mongoose calls async-await in an ExpressJS API

A lot has been written already about the transition from callbacks to promises and now to the new async/await1 feature in ES7. In this blog post I present what this code “upgrade” meant for CRUD operations performed on dev bookmarks. I use Moongoose in an ExpressJS/NodeJS backend to perform the operations against a MongoDB database.

👉 [dev.to] - Test là gì?

Test là gì? Định nghĩa đơn giản nhất của test trong software, đó chính là check xem những giá trị trong test có bằng giá trị thực tế của một phần mềm, hay một ứng dụng. Chính vì test là một việc rất quan trọng cho nên mỗi tester phải hiểu trong công nghệ phần mềm có bao nhiêu loại test.

👉 [dev.to] - Serial Promises vs Parallel Promises

examples of when to use Promise.all instead of writing serial code

👉 [dev.to] - Splice javascript and JS Array Manipulation Quirks

Splice javascript? The difference between slice() and splice(). In my previous post I share that I've been practing problem-solving by handwriting answers