12 + Pagination Examples with ReactJS (Source Code)

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Here we introduce two articles about pagination with javascript and mongodb: 

Pagination Mongodb: Pagination Mongodb Example 

Pagination Es6: Pagination ES6 Example

1.React next paging

ReactJS component for easy pagination.
React next paging

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2.Pagination component

React component for pagination.
Pagination component

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3.React data components

React components for sorting, filtering and pagination of data.
React data components

Demo: https://rocha.dev/react-data-components/

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4.React paginate

A ReactJS component to render a pagination.

By installing this component and writing only a little bit of CSS you can obtain this:

React paginate
React paginate

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5.react-pagify - Simple pagination for React

Simple pagination for React (MIT) http://bebraw.github.io/react-pagify/
react-pagify provides a simple API for building your own custom paginator.

Simple pagination for React

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React Pagination Component.



online example: http://react-component.github.io/pagination/examples/

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7.React js pagination

A ReactJS dumb component to render a pagination.

The component comes with no built-in styles. HTML layout compatible with Bootstrap 3 pagination stylesheets.

React js pagination

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8.React ultimate pagination

React.js pagination component based on ultimate-pagination. It's implemented as a higher-order component that allows easy integration of react-ultimate-pagination with different CSS frameworks or approaches.

To use react-ultimate-pagination in your project, you can write your theme or use one of already existing.

React ultimate pagination

Demo: http://ultimate-pagination.github.io/react-ultimate-pagination-examples/

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9.React pagination

react pagination component, simple use
React pagination

Preview: https://killsanghyuck.github.io/react-pagination/

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10.React paginations

React Paginations component.
React paginations

Demo: https://trendmicro-frontend.github.io/react-paginations

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11.React pagination example

React - Pagination Example with Logic like Google

React pagination example

GitHub: https://github.com/cornflourblue/react-pagination-example

12.React paginating

Simple, lightweight, flexible pagination ReactJS component.

React paginating

Demo: https://chototoss.github.io/react-paginating/

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13.React pagination

Simple react pagination library.
React pagination


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14.React paginate

A ReactJS component to render a pagination.

By installing this component and writing only a little bit of CSS you can obtain this:

React paginate

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Push Orgin: morioh.com

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